Russia Ukraine war, page-42277

  1. 10,847 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 566

    In response to your linked post here's my take.

    Yes I did and no it wasn't.

    I had to sleep on the content of your post as I thought I was seeing things at first but obviously not.

    I've since consulted my more learned colleagues and fellow taxi drivers at the rank and they suggested I respond along the following lines.

    I/we are certainly no international law experts and I/we didn't realise you were either but here's what I/we think and my/our take on much of what you say...for what it's worth.

    And still you have no comment on the connection, relevance of Ukrainian Constitutional requirements, limitations, issues, considerations or effects ?

    So now you toss up another UN Charter issue as it relates to 'self-determination' and declare it as legality, excuse and justification for Putin's activities in eastern Ukraine by saying 'I clearly laid out a legal justification for self-determination.' and join fellow international law experts in @rcman and apparently @happybear45 in waving about Chapter VII and Article 51 as it applies to 'self-defence' a slegality, excuse and justification.

    If you'd even done some basic research on the 'self determination' issue you would understand just what a vexed area it is and Putin's ongoing violation and interference in Ukraine's sovereign territory only adds another dimension to that complication and straight away indicates to me you probably haven't.
    Having said that both the UN Charter and customary international law prohibit states from interfering in the internal affairs of other states. This is currently cited as one reason why Russia’s recognition of DPR and LPR is illegal as both republics claim Ukrainian territory as their own.
    So what do you say to that for starters ?

    As far as your mate @rcman's claim over justifying the 'legality' of Putin's ongoing violation of Ukraine's sovereign territory is concerned on grounds of 'self-defence' he (and maybe you) I understand it speaks to 'self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations' and given the alleged trigger for invoking it apparently occurred within Ukraine's sovereign territory (according to @rcman and involved invading foreign RF forces illegally occupying Ukrainian territory I fail to see how it can apply or is at all relevant in justifying or excusing the RF's actions on that basis and seems eccentric to say the least.
    Perhaps you or your fellow international law experts in @rcman or @happybear45 can further elaborate and explain that one to me and my taxi driving colleagues ?

    I think it's quite funny really that you and a few others would be quoting and waving about UN Conventions/Charters/Articles etc as demonstrating legality, 'justification' and excuse for Putin's invasion and activities when every man, his dog, cat including taxi drivers knows fully what the UN's attitude and approach has been and is to his invasion and other activities. You must live in another Cosmos do you ?

    Do you and your mates seriously contend and think there's even 1 ounce of credibility, weight or validity in your effectively declaring the UN doesn't know what it's own Charter/Conventions is/are ? The UN has said Russian recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk regions are violations of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and inconsistent with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and issued overwhelmingly supported resolution in rejecting the Russian Federation's subsequent brutal wholesale invasion of Ukraine and demanded Russia immediately withdraw its forces and abide by international law ?
    Doesn't get much clearer than that does it ? Have you or your mates thought to contact the Secretary General of the UN or the dozens of member states yet to let them know of this folly and the diabolical error of their ways ? Maybe even Vlad the Great too ?

    I think you and your mates need to come up with something a little more convincing, credible, detailed, concrete and substantial than vaguely and unconvincingly waving about some UN Charter/Conventions/Chapters/Articles etc as some kind of bizarre 'legality', excuse or justification for Putin's cross border activities and now wholesale aggressive brutal invasion before you'll convince we taxi drivers for one.

    As I've seen someone on here say a few times...maybe you need to try harder ?

    Show me which sovereign territory the US has brutally invaded and illegally seized/stolen/annexed from independent sovereign states in the manner Russia has and is with Ukraine and provide the evidence of it-within contemporary times of course.

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