Russia Ukraine war, page-4234

  1. 23,772 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    Ukrainians have had to make a choice between three options in terms of what to do because of the Russian Invaders.

    1) Stay and fight the Russian Invaders to their likely death
    2) Flee to their Eastern Border to the welcoming arms of their Russian emancipator
    3) Flee to their Western Borders into the welcoming arms of the Western Aligned Nations.

    The order of preference we can see is :

    1) and then 3 )

    There is no evidence of 2) happening at all.

    If the Ukrainians were just waiting to welcome the Russians you would have masses heading to Russia for safety .

    At the moment that is only Russian Oligarchs, a few donkey's , and mostly Russian troops , a lot in body bags .

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