"The issue is if they choose to align east or west they will...

  1. 14,681 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 451
    "The issue is if they choose to align east or west they will have a crappy time being a battleground state. As a non-aligned country rich in resources and food production they should be a wealthy country but they have wealth concentrated in a corrupt Oligarchy that buy people or make them sleep in the ground and Oligarchs tend to do deals with political power brokers in west and east depending on who they think is giving them a better deal..."

    You've just described two thirds of the world in that paragraph.

    If there are corruption issues that is their own problem to fix, not Putin's. And the current president, who was an outsider with no links to the entrenched parties and powerbrokers, was elected on just such a platform.

    All of this feigned concern about corruption is just an attempt to distract from Moscow's unjustifiable invasion.
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