Russia Ukraine war, page-73546

  1. gve
    12,271 Posts.
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    Provocations are happening everywhere.

    According to both ancient hermetic teachings and modern quantum theory, the universe is a fractal. As in the macrocosm, so in the microcosm. As above, so below. As within, so without. We are all being provoked. It is a time of provocations. It is important for us to see that we are not “armchair generals” – we ARE on the battlefield. Powers and principalities that have spent eons enslaving humanity are on shaky ground, and the air is filled with provocations.

    As Russia demonstrates, let us not fall into the trap of REACTING to provocation. Let us rather, overcome our emotional and instinctive reactions, so that we may wisely RESPOND. The provocations we all face in our respective microcosmic lives parallel the macrocosmic provocations faced by the Rebellion against Empire. Reacting with anger and escalation feeds dark forces. Responding with wisdom starves these dark forces of their power. Russia and Putin are role-modeling behavior for all of us to emulate.

    Russia, for all of its imperfections, is an archetypical representation of moral order; the dharma. The high moral road is a razors edge- it is so easy to condemn immorality with righteous fury, and in so doing fall from morality, becoming the very thing we have sworn to defeat! We must adhere to a higher moral law than reacting to provocations. We must practice compassion, even as we defend our boundaries and disarm, by force if necessary, those who would do us harm.

    I use the term “wisdom” to describe the nuanced boundary between justice and mercy, which is really the boundary between compassion and healthy boundaries. Being there for others vs being there for ourselves. Balancing between these two poles is the razors edge..

    I am talking to myself, mainly. I’m not good at this kind of stuff. I’m full of anger and reactivity. But I know that we are not removed from the battlefield, and I know that my negative reactions to the antagonistic provocations in my own life are counter to the dharma, and actually empower the very forces I am determined to overcome. Russia is demonstrating moral behavior, and we are obliged to follow her lead.

    Our personal actions have an effect. As within, so without. The universe is governed by an impersonal
    Moral law. We cannot expect to see Russia emerge victorious over mammon’s empire until we are willing to heal our own thoughts of vengeance, retribution, or other negative reactions. The battlefield is within us.

    Vladimir Putin is following the dharma, moral law. We assist Russia’s army by doing the same. This is the nature of the quantum universe, and I am sure Russia’s AI programs are telling Putin what he already knows. By adhering to moral law we gain victory over conflict itself.
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