Russia Ukraine war, page-48126

  1. 4,971 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    E525780E-BC2D-40F0-B1A0-F6E390653001.png Floating LNG terminals and shipping gas from Qatar is not a solution for the EU energy woes. There are no winners here, but to pretend that cutting the Russian gas off is a win for the EU, is simply stupid.  

    The EU was ordered almost 6 years ago by the USA ( I have posted an article on that before) to reduce the dependence on Russian gas, due to their own strategic interests, one being they are now the biggest exporter of the LNG to Europe.

    Ukraine conflict is just a needed distraction and a justification for what the US had planned to do. all along. The nail in the coffin in the German - Russian energy sector cooperation, 50 years old.
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