Russia Ukraine war, page-213576

  1. 22,259 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Prudent countries (and individuals) who know what their
    limitations and abilities are and they are not to challenge
    a more powerful opponent without either the backing of
    the law or without qualified support from others.

    War , however, is a different kettle of fish as we are learning
    from this Ukrainian war. In war morality/legality is cast aside
    by brute force and we are seeing that in the Ukraine and Gaza now.

    In Real Geopolitics self interest prevails and this war is no different:
    NATO: Defend its members (the Ukraine is a questionable extension of that
    but can be justified on speculation "Ukraine today, perhaps a NATO member tomorrow")
    USA: To economically weaken Russia so that it can't afford to maintain its Nuke Arsenal and
    . the means to deliver it). US role in this war also counterbalances China's economic
    . influence in Europe , particularly in Germany.

    Monroe Doctrine: To keep out European Powers out of the Americas.

    Perhaps Europe needs and equivalent: To Keep out US Power out of Europe ? .
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