Prudent countries (and individuals) who know what...

  1. 22,258 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Prudent countries (and individuals) who know what their
    limitations and abilities are and they are not to challenge
    a more powerful opponent without either the backing of
    the law or without qualified support from others.

    War , however, is a different kettle of fish as we are learning
    from this Ukrainian war. In war morality/legality is cast aside
    by brute force and we are seeing that in the Ukraine and Gaza now.

    In Real Geopolitics self interest prevails and this war is no different:
    NATO: Defend its members (the Ukraine is a questionable extension of that
    but can be justified on speculation "Ukraine today, perhaps a NATO member tomorrow")
    USA: To economically weaken Russia so that it can't afford to maintain its Nuke Arsenal and
    . the means to deliver it). US role in this war also counterbalances China's economic
    . influence in Europe , particularly in Germany.

    Monroe Doctrine: To keep out European Powers out of the Americas.

    Perhaps Europe needs and equivalent: To Keep out US Power out of Europe ? .
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