In April 2022, at the same time the Australian Govt announced...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 25

    In April 2022, at the same time the Australian Govt announced that it was sending military equipment and $$$ to Ukraine to help fight Russia for violating Ukraine's sovereignty, the Government also warned China and the Solomon Islands that if they dared to set up a Chinese naval base in the Solomons it would be crossing a red line for Australia. Why? Because the Government reasoned that a Chinese naval base in the Solomons, is a threat to Australia's security. What does ''crossing a red line mean''. It means under no circumstances will we tolerate it and if you don't back off we will go to war to stop it. Within a few hours, Antony ''Ribbentrop'' Blinken came out in support of Australia reiterating that a Chinese naval base in the solomons would be ''crossing a red line'' that America and its allies would not allow.

    Do you see why the world hates the West? And do you see why those who flood this forum with Neocon propaganda have zero interest in truth and right and wrong? Remember, the Solomon Islands are 3300 kilometers from Australia. Ukraine and Georgia on the other hand are right on Russia's border and the route by which European powers have repeatedly invaded Russia. Also let's not forget the great lengths Russia went to, to avoid war and APPEASE the USA/NATO. Indeed Russia has been warning the USA/NATO since 2008 that admitting Ukraine and Georgia would be ''crossing a red line for them'' (same words). That's 20 years of appeasing USA/NATO. But the USA/NATO bully warmongers weren't going to let anyone tell them what to do. Their security must not be violated but if they violate the security of others, well that's too bad for those others. The hypocrisy is so blatant and the disregard for right and wrong is so flagrant that I am personally unable to accept that those who are advocating support for USA/NATO and Ukraine in this war are doing so for bona fide motives.
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