untrue .....Biden .....unlke putin .....doesn't compare him self...

  1. 36,748 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 499
    untrue .....Biden .....unlke putin .....doesn't compare him self to Jesus and to Peter the Great (or any previous leader ) .......and he hasn't entangled his country in a disastrous war like putin has ....then there is the corruption

    Biden presides over presently the healthiest economy in the G20 while putin has 16% official rate of inflation , debt and high inflation
    putin has no money to spend on his people and their are shortages , blackouts and floods not beign addresssed by the russ govt ..

    you seem quite mistaken about who actually is more mentally stable ......judge by the results ,
    as well as by the ridiculous things putin says
    he has been in charge in russia now for a quarter of a century and despite the great mineral and energy wealth of russia and their strategic postion the average russian is one of the poorest in Europe
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