You are in so much distress because you were hoping Zelensky...

  1. 44,246 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2012
    You are in so much distress because you were hoping Zelensky would be a walk over and roll over to the Russian's. If Ukrainian patriots did twist his arm then it was a fantastic thing, the absolute best thing that could have happened. The lamb has become a lion. Somebody had to stand up to the Russian's. Minsk I and Minsk II were toxic, made deliberately vague by Russia and violated by their proxies with impunity. I'm glad they are now in the garbage can of history where they belong. When someone wants to steal something that belongs to you, you have to fight. There is no other option. The Putin regime came to steal, came to destroy, came to plunge a poisoned dagger into Ukraine and to leave it there festering. 'Peace' won't resolve anything when you are dealing with a macheavellian liar like Putin. Russia had been playing games with Ukraine for decades, well before Putin deliberately started the war in Dobas and helped himself to Crimea. Russia must be defeated. It is the only way. The Putin regime must be broken.

    You are in so much distress because Putin and Russia's deadly and deliberate game in Ukraine is now destroying Putin and Russia.
    I am glad.
    Putin and his henchmen set out to make Ukraine a failed state and to steal everything of value that the Ukrainian's had.
    They will fail.
    Putin has been ensnared in his own traps and games, he has been too clever for his own good, and it will end up destroying him.

    Putin is Stalin reborn for the way he has used the Soviet playbook with so much malice, so much deception, so many falsehoods.

    This is karma.

    This is justice.

    This is natural justice.

    This is hubris.

    I hope Putin loses everything. He deserves to. It will be a fantastic outcome.
    Last edited by Crom Valen: 16/10/22
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