The Russian are not known for their softly softly approach to...

  1. 293 Posts.
    The Russian are not known for their softly softly approach to these hostage situations, look at the theatre seige of 2002. They suffer lack of specialised forces such as the British(Australian) SAS who are without doubt the finest in the world. their methods wouldhave been totally different with containment negotiation until eventually if this wasn't going to work rapid but disciplined entry. In this situation some casualties could be expected but no terrorist would have escaped and the childen would have been in much safer hands.
    As of now Putin has said nothing..quite amazing, this man is quite simply out of his depth.
    A very very sad day and I hope the world wakes up to the fact that NO terrorist activity can be tolerated and we note that Arab's once agin were involved. The Quran states no harming women and children, these mongrels deserve our condemnation, we must not give them any solace. The UN is useless & impotent and out of date, Kofi hasn't a clue and the french germans words fail me.
    Th Russian people deserve better, they have it really bad for so long, and it's is such a wonderful country.
    I feel a great sadness this morning, while here in Oz & the western world we are more concerned with trivialities such how much is my house worth and what diet will I attempt this week.
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