thats a very thought provoking argument.... I can think of a few...

  1. 43,649 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    thats a very thought provoking argument.... I can think of a few problems with such, for eg.:
    • the constant adjustment of tax rates and items which can or can't be taxed,
    • the problem of social or political acceptability of some tax measures,
    • the common belief that only elected people can make such important decisions,
    • accountability for tax practices and decisions, though this would remove politicians from the target area, and
    • the impact on govt spending decisions which might encourage some to spend more than revenue provides, eg Abbott's excesses and Morrison's profligacy, while others might feel constrained to avoid spending on major items.

    I've often thought when determining how parliament might function without party politicians to unify a Govt, that it wold be best to have all Govt departments run by a panel of qualified experts. Science and education decisions should be made by those who actually know the system and how to provide the best outcomes for the nation, Energy production, refining, distribution and metering for retail consumption etc, should be managed by a panel of real energy experts, economist, industry and consumer representatives.

    making Govt departments non-political would provide stability, certainty and ensure that only what is needed to supply all consumers with all we need rather than harebrained schemes that can be manipulated or even sabotaged for political points.

    in sum, I think I get your point. any such change which removes inappropriate people from being in charge would have to be better. good suggestion.
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