Sack both Woolies and Aldi CEO’s over Aust. Day Comment

  1. 10,445 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 88
    Some may considered that this issue isn’t worthy of being in the political forum but if u look closely to the comments made for Public consumption, it appear to me the messaging’s is for political reasons instead of good business practises.

    Do we normally hear any public comments when an item suddenly disappears of a shelf?

    I call on the public , politicians , Woollies shareholders and whatever is holding structure in Aldi to demand the termination of these two CEO’s!
    I do not hold shares in any supermarket at all; I’m simply passionate over this matter.

    The following is the comments that I posted on the WOW thread:

    If what I’ve read in the media is correct the CEO should be sacked for damaging the brand name and social cohesion.

    If the board was aware and approved his public comments, they also should resign!

    It appears his intention is to continue to push an indigenous issue, even when Aussie’s have made a decision on the voice.

    The only outcome from his ill conceived public comments will be more divisive attitude towards other racial groups, especially to the Chinese and Indian communities.

    The Lunar New Year is coming up for our Asian community!

    All indicators shows that the business argument was only a secondary reason and the primary intent was to continue the Indigenous plight.
    If he had any nous he should have taken into consideration the likely flow on affect on attitudes towards other multicultural groups.

    A prudent manager would still have promoted Australia Day, avoid public commentary, simply display advertisements for Australia Day and adjusted stock holding’s on previous sales records.

    The business approach to customers wishing to buy Aussie day themed items, that they have ran out of stock is diplomatic acumen compared to his retort to the public.

    I don’t agree with the argument presented by Dutton to boycott Woolies because it will result in staff being affected.
    If its not good enough for Aust. Day displays, it ain’t good enough to promote Lunar New Year or Diwali including holding there associated products.

    I noticed someone presented an argument that Aussie Day themed items simply ending up in the rubbish tip as justification for the CEO public comment. Furthermore they mentioned, so what’s the problem with management telling the public that they will not be holding any stock.

    That same reasoning basically justifies not holding stock to promote Lunar New Year or Diwali!

    I do most of my shopping at my local Woollies store.
    I will be complaining to the store manager if I see Lunar or Diwali being promoted!

    My comments isn’t only simply applicable to the Woolies CEO but includes the Aussie CEO of Aldi!
    As far as I’m concerned both should be sacked!
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