sad day for australia - soldiers die, page-30

  1. 12,100 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 242
    Dili, Towie,
    We often agree on things, but here we differ. I ask you to consider my final question in this missive;

    If Muslims come to our country they should respect our customs. Nothing to stop them quietly practicing their religion within our law and manners.

    I go to their countries on business and as a guest I respect their laws and manners. I have had the opportunity to talk to their womenfolk in their family settings, I remember one lady in particular who had studied and practiced medicine in London. In the main they are happy with their way of life.

    It is not our place to go uninvited to their country and impose by force the way of life we chose on others, even if we think they would prefer it.

    In Afghanistan the Taliban is a domestic movement which almost wiped out heroin production and never threatened the West. It is an Afghanii organisation. I don't understand why we are following the Russians in trying to kill them. Twenty years ago when the Taliban fought the Russians we were allies.

    For a period the Taliban, in ignorance, allowed Al Queda haven in Afghanistan. Osama misled the Taliban about 9/11 to retain guest status.

    I agree AlQueda is our enemy and this justified going after them. Al Queda has now almost left Afghanistan, gone to Yemen and Somalia. We are carrying on trying to defeat our previous allies the Taliban.

    The Afghaniis are not seeking our way of life. We are not backing a popular uprising. There is no grass roots yearning for democracy.

    We fought and won WW2 in 6 years. We have been in Afghanistan for 10.

    We must define success and have an exit strategy.What will be the sign that we have succeeded and can withdraw? Is there a geographic aim? Perhaps if 80% of the population turn out to vote for the Taliban.

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