saddam’s lessons to the islamo-nazis & fullguy, page-7

  1. 831 Posts.
    Hey buddie don't flatetr yourself. The Muslims you say? which ones, the Malays, Indonesians (all 189 million? 50 Million Chinese Muslims? Phillipino Muslims? Bosnian or Serb Muslims, Pakistani Muslims who are your allies), which ones are you talking about?

    They hate the west? is that why Serbs killed Bosnians, Americans invaded Viet Nam and Korea under the pretext of fighting communism? Pinochette killed his own? Thatcher and her pre decessors killed Irishmen and women? Whites Killed Blacks in South Africa and Rhodesia, what are you talking about?

    Hitler was courted by all of the west. He was courted by those he murdered as well remember but he out wittede them all in the end because of their greed and sychophancy for those with power like you and Howard. people without a spine.

    Funnily enough you should mention Hitler a leader the Bush's have had a great relationship with and with whom today the Jews have a greater relationship with. Perhaps you should read James baker's own assessments of his 'friends' the Jews and his vitriolic and invective filled assessment of them. They are the Bovver boys of the west to protect oil. After the oil wealth has dissipated or the Jews have become less useful, they too will be offered on the sacrifical alter of international or geopolitical ambitions of the west.

    No one hates the west as it is not a homogenous society anymore but a hotch pot of people with economic similarities. There is no generic 'west'. Japan too is grouped very much with the west, slaty eyes and all.

    There is a war, but one against which you have no anti dote. The only solution is to negotiate and leave well alone and not transplant a discarded and mutant race into the middle east, Palestine specifically and call these pariahs descendants of Abraham or semites. They are the worst anti semites, bastard children of hitler.

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