Forgive me for being cynical, BUT, where were the anti war...

  1. 4,217 Posts.
    Forgive me for being cynical, BUT, where were the anti war groupies when these "aggressions" happened?

    30 million plus killed by Stalin during his purges?(conservative)

    30 million killed by Mao during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution(conservative)

    15 million Chinese civilians and another 3 million Southeasy Asians killed by Tojoist Japs.

    3 miliion plus Armenians killed by the Turks

    (yes , yes perhaps you werent born then, so whats your excuse for the next batch)?

    1.5 million Afghans killed by the Soviets?

    80,000 Chechens killed by the Russians.

    800,000 tutsis slaughtered by the Hutus.

    2,000,000 killed by Khmer Rouge (supported by China)

    Nigerian civil war, Egyptian and East German pilots bombed thousands of innocent Biafran civilians.

    And during the late '80s/early '90s when Mugabe brought in North Korean troops who wiped out thousands of Matabele tribesmen.

    The ongoing slaughter of Sudanese christians.

    Civil war and child soldiers in East Africa.

    The brutalising of the Afghan population by the Taliban, public executions for teaching girls to read, beatings of women for the heinous crime of daring to ride a bicycle.

    200,000 kurds butchered by Saddam , 4 million Iraqi refugees, the torture chambers, firing squads, rape squads and ethnic cleansing.

    the thousands of slaughtered kids in Iraq under Saddam..

    So where were all the morally superior peaceniks, all the demonstrations, the outpouring of moral outrage??

    They were sitting on their duffs talking left politics, thats what they were doing, they werent all that interested...........

    and the reason why??......."Because It wasnt the Americans doing the killing , it was their ideological heroes...the anti US clique, they get a free pass under left wing dropkick rules ..

    Forgive me, but i think you guys are ....."Full Of It"...

    Want to do something for the downtrodden?...Go help empty lifeline bins or deliver for meals on meals and spare us all the sanctimonious raving, you just look silly.

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