saddam stored weapons under mosques , page-7

  1. 29,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80
    Stop lying, Domain? To say that you must be in possession of the facts! OK, so you KNOW where the WMD are, so tell us here and now!
    What's that? You cant? Then shut your cakehole & go to bed.
    I dont give a poop about Saddam.
    What I care about is people getting blown to bits for nothing other than making Rummy & Bush & Israel rich.
    Didnt you read that bit in the Jerusalem Post about Israel hoping for the flow of oil from Iraq?
    The guys dying over there are NOT dying for the cause they believe in - either side.
    I dont like Yanks & planes & bombs-they dont mix- for reasons I have posted before.Trigger-happy cowboys.
    And the guys that turn them loose and cheer them on are worse.
    When you see the pathetic little bundles that are the corpses of Iraqi children being carried on blankets, do you get a hard-on?
    If war has to be war has to be, but it has to be for a legitimate reason, otherwise it is murder.
    And it's only Yanks & the IDF that seem to be able to butcher kids and get away with it.

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