saddam - to easy!!!

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    Subject saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 12:29 - 223 reads
    Posted by Acronym
    Post #16003 - start of thread

    From the ABC (Australia)

    Saddam says he is complying with UN resolution

    Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said in a rare interview broadcast on Tuesday that his country was complying with last year's UN resolution calling for disarmament, but the United States and Britain were seeking pretexts for war.

    "Every fair-minded person knows that as far as resolution 1441 is concerned, the Iraqis have been fulfilling their obligations under the resolution," Saddam told British politician and veteran peace activist Tony Benn.

    The interview, believed to be Saddam's first in 12 years, was recorded by Benn last weekend.

    It will be aired on Britain's Channel Four television later tonight [Australian time], on the eve of a presentation by US Secretary of State Colin Powell to the United Nations.

    Mr Powell is expected to provide evidence supporting Washington's view that Iraq is in breach of last November's resolution 1441, which calls for "serious consequences" if Iraq does not cooperate with weapons inspectors.

    Empty chemical warhead

    UN disarmament experts made a fresh find of an empty chemical warhead during an inspection of an ammunition depot north of the Iraqi capital, a UN spokesman said.

    "An empty Sakr-18 chemical warhead was found at the Al-Taji Ammunition Depot, the warhead was tagged and secured," said spokesman Hiro Ueki.

    "This is the same type of chemical warhead as at the Ukhaider ammunition storage area on January 16," Ueki said in reference to a dozen empty warheads found amid great fanfare at another suspect site last month.

    In his first status report to the UN Security Council on January 27, disarmament chief Hans Blix said "the discovery of a few rockets does not resolve but rather points to, the issue of several thousands of chemical rockets that are unaccounted for."

    Baghdad, which said the warheads discovered last month were not linked to any prohibited weapons programmes, later reported that it had found four more similar warheads at the Al-Taji facility.



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    Subject re: saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 12:58 - 205 reads
    Posted by Vibe
    Post #16014 - in reply to msg. #16003

    With the approach of American military action against Iraq, the United States and its war allies, including Israel, have gone on top alert to steel themselves against a multi-pronged mega-terror offensive assault.

    According to DEBKAfile and DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s exclusive counter-terror and intelligence sources, six entities have come together to prepare this offensive, operating both together and independently. They are:

    1. Iraqi military intelligence, or rather the dread Unit 999, which is an arm of the super-secret Fedayeen Saddam (Saddam’s Martyrs), commanded by the Iraqi ruler’s eldest son, Uday.

    2. Al Qaeda’s top men.

    3. Iraqi and Al Qaeda sleeper cells planted in the United States, Europe, the Persian Gulf and Israel.

    4. Palestinian terrorists operating on West Bank and Gaza Strip. Palestinian terror groups and militias based in Damascus.

    5. Hizballah security and intelligence bodies working in harness with al Qaeda.

    6. Hizballah leaders and high officers under instructions from Tehran to open a second anti-American front from Lebanon or elsewhere in the Middle East, in support of Iraq.

    DEBKA-Net-Weekly and DEBKAfile’s intelligence and counter-terror sources reveal exclusively that the al Qaeda cells rolled up in the last three weeks in the UK, France, Spain, Italy and Germany - some plotting chemical attacks, some actually caught with the poisonous ricin in their possession – started their journeys to target in two places: Chechnya and Algeria.

    Those same sources report too that interrogation of the dozens of terrorist suspects in custody revealed that Iraq and Saudi intelligence agents continue to provide the terror cells with operational intelligence, while Saudi institutions and bodies are al Qaeda’s primary source of funds and manpower.

    The “smoking gun’” link between Iraq and al Qaeda is readily available to Secretary of State Colin Powell for use in his presentation before the UN Security Council on Wednesday, February 5. However, Washington is not yet prepared to expose Saudi complicity in the terror conspiracy, and for that reason is likely to withhold the key role played by Baghdad as well. The al Qaeda detainees in Europe also laid bare the Albanian mafia’s role in providing weapons, forged travel documents and passports, transport and hideouts for terrorists before and after their hits. The Albanian underworld, based in Macedonia, Bosnia and Kosovo, is well placed for this operation, having spread its tentacles across the European continent.

    DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s counter-terror experts have mapped the routes taken by the terrorist cells from Chechnya and Algeria across Europe.

    To full-size version of the map click HERE .

    The consensus of our experts is that the terror cells picked up in Europe before they went into action constituted the first wave of a multi-pronged offensive which Baghdad and al Qaeda planned to unfold in stages with the approach and onset of American military action against Iraq.

    Wave One was to have struck European capitals and major cities with chemical toxins, such as ricin, and assassinations of prominent political and military figures. The 28-man Pakistani al Qaeda group captured last week in northern Italy plotted the murder of the British chief of staff, Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, during a visit he paid to NATO’s Naples Headquarters.

    Wave Two is destined for Israel. Al Qaeda cells assigned to carry out mega-attacks are already present, planted in Palestinian-controlled territory or secreted into Israeli towns from abroad.

    Wave Three in the Persian Gulf is scheduled to come next and consist of attacks against US forces in the region and large-scale targets like aircraft carriers, warships and oil tankers.

    Wave Four will aim for American cities and strategic installations and send hit teams against leading political, military, social and religious personalities.

    Western governments may strive to present the global war on terror and the campaign against Iraq as not being a declaration of war on the Islamic world, but these efforts are not believed and only incense the terror movement. The coming American military action against Iraq is perceived by the Arab world and many Muslims as an assault on the Islamic nation.

    As DEBKA-Net-Weekly 94 reported on January 24, radical Arab Muslims are explaining that America’s objectives in Iraq are to seize Arab land and its natural resources, oil. Young Gulf Muslims are being told that, whereas in Afghanistan, Bin Laden led a global jihad, in Iraq and Arabia, his followers are fighting for their sacred homelands and their violation by infidels. Today the Americans will conquer Iraq’s cities and oil fields; tomorrow, it is said, they will use Iraq as a jumping-off base to capture Saudi Arabia and its oil riches.

    Al Qaeda’s spokesmen are going beyond general calls for action against the enemy. They have announced a serious escalation of tactics. They are telling partisans explicitly that American troops and civilians must be fought with nuclear weapons. In some Internet sites associated with the group, such slogans as “the way to kill Americans is by nuclear attack,” appear of late. Another favorite is: “There are no Western civilians. Every Westerner is a combatant whom we are enjoined to kill.”

    DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s counter-terror experts estimate that Al Qaeda is striving to prepare the ground for the mass murder of American and Western civilians by unconventional means of warfare.

    The network’s sites abound with detailed instructions on how to prepare chemical agents and dangerous toxins for harming American troops. They also offer detailed information on security procedures at American Gulf military installations and ways to overcome them for the kidnapping of US troops as hostages. Our experts suggest that their harping on the nuclear option is a strong indication that the fundamentalists possess some sort of nuclear weapon.

    Our monitors have picked up another alarming development on the al Qaeda Internet scene. While the chatter continues unabated, operational signals among activist cells in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon have dried up. This organized blackout of electronic communications on open channels appears to portend some operation.

    There are a number of possibilities:

    1. A nuclear/mega attack on an American Gulf installation, such as bases in Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, or even Saudi Arabia.

    2. A multi-location mega/nuclear strike against a number of bases, oil fields, terminals or tankers.

    3. A mega/nuclear attack against an Arab capital assisting in American war preparations, such as Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar or Oman, where heightened al Qaeda activity has been registered in the last weeks.

    4. A mega/nuclear attack against one of Israel’s main cities. Israel is deep in preparations to meet such an attack, often disguised as measures to confront an Iraqi assault. Last month, Israel’s government hospitals signed contracts with a number of big hotel chains, especially along the Mediterranean coastline, for the lease of whole wings for conversion into hospital facilities in case of a terrorist attack of disastrous proportions. Large firms who rely on exports, like Intel, have been shipping inventories out of the country. Essential government offices, banks and large commercial firms have moved staffs and equipment to nuclear bomb shelters and especially built bomb-proof building complexes outside Tel Aviv and Haifa.

    This menace was behind the warning issued Monday, February 3, by Maj. Gen. Amos Gilad, the senior officer in charge of war information, when he said: “Israel must be ready for dangerous events of a one-time nature.” He added that Saddam Hussein, who already has bio-weapon capability, will do its utmost to procure nuclear weapons - and is not like to be put off this objective. Since the American attack is no more than weeks away, Iraq may be presumed to already have a nuclear option of some kind.

    5. A mega/nuclear attack in London, which the British premier Tony Blair declared as a definite possibility in Parliament last month.

    6. A mega/nuclear strike in a major American city.

    All six might take the form of biological or chemical attack.

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    Subject re: saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 13:08 - 193 reads
    Posted by ericbaume
    Post #16019 - in reply to msg. #16014

    Ho Hum... more Israeli propaganda....
    "This, I believe"

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    Subject re: saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 13:18 - 172 reads
    Posted by munch
    Post #16022 - in reply to msg. #16019

    Well why do you think that America is asking Middle Eastern men to register? They want to find any sleeper cells hidden throughout America but it's a very difficult job.

    Will there be more terrorist attacks? I think for sure.

    But for nuclear attack it's probably still some time off although I did have a dream that Sydney got nuked.

    I wonder if the people in Iraq are scared of the impending war... I know I would be especially if I lived next to some military building.

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    Subject re: saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 16:07 - 136 reads
    Posted by gyro
    Post #16070 - in reply to msg. #16022


    I considered the ABC web site coverage on this crisis to be very poor.
    Plenty of opinions and copy of Leaders words but no hard stuff.

    Had to look overseas to see want the inspector were looking for and there possible effects.

    Quite ordinary there coverage and hardly informative.

    Of course Saddam is going to say I don’t have any…....If he doesn’t he will say that, if he does he will say that. We learn nothing.


    Humanity never ceases to amaze me.

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    Subject re: saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 16:27 - 114 reads
    Posted by eliyahu
    Post #16073 - in reply to msg. #16019

    Mr ericbaume - Israel propoganda?????

    You are in category three - head up @ss.

    I know more about this stuff than most of all of you and this is no beatup!

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    Subject re: saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 16:38 - 105 reads
    Posted by milesg
    Post #16077 - in reply to msg. #16073


    A quick view of the site by anyone who has not got their head up their @rse would come to the same conclussion that it is just more Israeli diarrhea.

    Maybe you do not know as much as you think.

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    Subject re: saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 16:43 - 94 reads
    Posted by eliyahu
    Post #16080 - in reply to msg. #16077

    Mr milesg...remember this conversation.
    Thats all I'll say to you now

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    Subject eric-saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 16:55 - 85 reads
    Posted by Snooker
    Post #16086 - in reply to msg. #16019

    Eric, you're at it again.

    Debka has unimpeachable sources and have been spot on in their analyses of the situation both in the Gulf and the ME.

    But of course, more Israeli propoganda!

    HAve a peek

    Read it, then come back with specifics as to what and where they are wrong........If you can..

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    Subject milesg - saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 16:59 - 76 reads
    Posted by Snooker
    Post #16087 - in reply to msg. #16077

    Miles, that's your problem....A quick peek?

    Digest what they write. Think about it.

    What are ya?

    A peeping Tom?

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    Subject re: saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 17:21 - 58 reads
    Posted by oliveoyl
    Post #16096 - in reply to msg. #16080

    bit early for halloween, and this thread should be under "general" not "ASX general".

    so if you zombies wouldnt mind channelling over...

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    Subject re: saddam: i'm complying with un resolution
    Posted 05/02/03 17:23 - 54 reads
    Posted by eliyahu
    Post #16097 - in reply to msg. #16096

    Mrs Oliveoyl

    What do you mean - isnt this the ASX-General place?

    I'm confused

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    Subject re: to pat
    Posted 05/02/03 17:30 - 39 reads
    Posted by Grant62
    Post #16098 - in reply to msg. #16096

    Hi Olive,

    I agree with you. The comments on this thread are geo-political in nature and nothing else. They have not been accompanied by comments concerning sectoral trends in the market, commodities analysis (ie: gold, oil, etc), economics analysis, or technical analysis discussions. They do indeed, therefore, belong to the General thread and, I for one, would request for Pat and HC to shift this thread to the General forum.

    All the best,

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    Subject re: to pat
    Posted 05/02/03 17:35 - 26 reads
    Posted by gaweb
    Post #16099 - in reply to msg. #16098

    Look at Vibes post, there is absolutely no factual evidence to back up his propaganda, it is merely a perceived event for some pathetic soul, it is mumbo jumbo written in nostradamus style. One too many LSD's for the author.

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    Subject re: milesg - saddam: i'm complying with un resolut
    Posted 05/02/03 17:36 - 18 reads
    Posted by milesg
    Post #16100 - in reply to msg. #16087


    I will do as you suggest if you also go and read some unbiased or even some biased reports from Arab point of views and think about it WITH AN OPEN MIND. but that would be asking to much.


    The case against Iraq may very well prove to be correct but the case is not being helped by fantasy claims being made by the US, UK, Israel.

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    Subject re: milesg - saddam: i'm complying with un resolut
    Posted 05/02/03 17:37 - 13 reads
    Posted by asmizon
    Post #16101 - in reply to msg. #16100

    The General Forum is thataway! Enough already!!@!
    What do I do now?


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    Subject re: to pat
    Posted 05/02/03 17:40 - 7 reads
    Posted by gyro
    Post #16102 - in reply to msg. #16098

    Olive & Grant you are both correct I apologize…..clearly in the wrong section.

    Humanity never ceases to amaze me.

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    Subject re: to pat
    Posted 05/02/03 17:41 - 1 reads
    Posted by arthur
    Post #16104 - in reply to msg. #16098

    I agree with you Grant,

    Hotcopper is becoming less and less of a stock market related site now moving towards more on religion and politics ,

    Then most people devote more time to sniping and eye gouging each other after being offended,

    H/C has lost the original thread

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