saddam's evil coz he murders kids, page-6

  1. 831 Posts.
    So Captain Cook and his dogs left the children alone. Thats why we have survivors in Tasmania? So the My Lai massacres involved only adults?? the South African Soweto and Sharpville Massacres involved adults alone?? the current dispicable NAZI carnage in the camps of Palestine especially that infamous slow death of executing young Muhammed the 9 year old boy and his grandfather in full view of a French TV crew, an act of Jewish morality for the world to see and the Americans to uphold were discriminating acts of violence in compliance with the genva convention. Sure!!

    Saddam Hussein fought a war with US backing and British and Australian help and encouragement. The Kurds wanted a separate state like the Irish (who were also subject to murderous death squads of the British government) till they fought back fire for fire. The Kurds have been executed in hundreds by the Turks since time immemorial and it continues to this day full sanctioned by Britain and the US. Now Germany and France won't allow support for this brutal regieme puppets of the US.

    It is my belief that NATO and the UN have a limited life in their current format. There won't be a war. I don't believe the US is serious enough in the face of mounting revolt by their allies except for the petty Hitlers like the Czechs, the Poles, Solvenians, Hungarians and other 'Untermenschens' (Hitlers definition of them). They need to be recognised and will turn tricks for the pleasure. The Slavs are either slaves of the Russians or the West (Germans and US)> The word Slav says it all.

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