CNP 0.00% 4.0¢ cnpr group

sales and rerating is needed

  1. 2,498 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    sale of assets at good prices will more than probably lead to a rerating from S&P.....then things will start to get serious. They have said as much anyway:

    "S&P said the ratings could be raised if CNP and Centro NP are able to implement a strategic plan that satisfies the bank lenders and private-placement note-holders and places the companies on a more sound financial footing. Reduction of outstanding debt levels is another critical factor."

    So we need to SEE the plan and SEE some sales at good prices and then we will SEE a rerating upwards, hopefully!

    I still have a small holding in cer and cnp and like to follow events. good luck to all!

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