same sex marriage, page-192

  1. 27,762 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 188
    Yes it has to be something else
    "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded husband"
    .......that wont work.
    3 homosexuals in my family.....wont have a bar of it.
    2 together just dont chase the limelight
    The 3rd gets a new thing every week and is banned from our home.....he dont want it for obvious reasons.
    Euthenasia and death which involves 100% of us.......
    dont heat about it much......
    same sex marriage that involves 1% of us AT MOST....
    Seek headlines and take up the front pages day after day after day.
    Want to be noticed.....that's about it for most
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