Same Sex marriage as well as the wide spread acceptance of...

  1. 422 Posts.
    Same Sex marriage as well as the wide spread acceptance of homosexuality proves that the end of the Human race as we know it draws near!

    Majority politics and failure to follow our makers guidelines is the cause of all of the failure of mankind as there are no morals and principles that are untouchable. The majority of people do not know what is good for them and Human history proves it beyond doubt.

    The Human race is hurrying towards its own destruction with its relentless desire to be permissive of whatever it desires.

    How about we change the laws of Physics, like gravity and the Seasons and see what happens then? Maybe we should stop the Earth turning so we can commit any depraved activity under the moonlight where it won't be so obvious! How about we get rid of the Moon completely so no one sees anything at all!

    Marriage is a natural Law that was instituted by God for the procreation of the Human Race and just because two people of the same sex loves each other and want to get married does not change the fact that only a Man and a Woman can reproduce Human life or that only the union between a Man and a Woman that is legally binding can be acceptable to God.

    The fact that there is so much support for Gay marriage proves only one thing and that is that Human thinking is faulty and looks for the easy path to its own destruction.

    I would expect that Gay Marriage will eventually be passed and then the next degradation will be to lower the age of consent for Children to have Sex. Then it will be to allow Adults to have Sex with Children and People who are related to have Sex with each other and last of all you will be able to marry your Pet or maybe an endangered species to save them from extinction.

    Where will the depravity end, God only knows!

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