sandwhiches thrown at julia, page-90

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    the usual cynical ploy of the Marxists - (take North Korea!) -

    brainwash 'em whilst they're young!

    Notice how all Gillard's effots are now aimed squarely at the young!

    and see her ex-lover, Emerson. Laughing in the background - as usual.

    Such an example to young women is our Ms. Gillard. Not once, but twice, entering into live-in relationships with married men, each fathers of young children.

    Oh, yes, nothing like having a first woman PM - setting such "great" examples! The utter hypocrite!

    Once - perhaps one could say it was "Lurve!". Desperate "Lurve" - made her do it. Wrong - yes, but she did it anyway. But twice? Now, come on! That's just plain ruthless.

    Many a moral woman has been madly in love with a married man - father or not. And has had the strength to walk away.
    Mindful that she's potentially ruining some other woman's life if she gives in to temptation.

    I feel sick seeing her use up little and big kids so cynically in such publicity shots. Moreso knowing her Communist Socialist Alliance background - (one Jenny Macklin shares) and Gillard's previous lobbying in Uni for late term abortions.

    Wonder if Macklin shares the same views - late abortions, too?

    In which case, it's revolting that each of them now turn to hiding behind gullible kids, and using them to portray themselves as being all out for children's advantages.

    Tell me, Misses. Gillard and Macklin - is a late aborted still alive foetus, left to die in a cold kidney dish post abortion, regarded by either of YOU as "disabled?" Or condonement of such a brutal procedure - is that murder of a child in your eyes?

    Am image you'd both never want revealed to these unwitting kids whose future votes you're both so coldly cultivating.

    The image of Gillard now hanging over all our heads - like a bad smell. Sooner we're rid of it, the better.

    We're planning to splurge on a good magnum of bubbly - to share with all our fellow escaped prisoners - on Sunday, September 15th!

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