This Senator, having no graces, sense of humor, or decorum - IMO...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    This Senator, having no graces, sense of humor, or decorum - IMO - and entirely clueless about the real state of affairs in Sri Lanka - re. pretend refugees who come here seeking work - (As evidenced today elsewhere) - backed up by Sri Lankan Aussie community members I know - who have Tamils in their own families - people of status and substance - whose families have lived there for generations - some prominent in Colombo Society - so they know the ropes - they're not guessing - as, wildly. SHY does - constantly -

    she asks a question of a Government Senator - then, when he attempts a civl and polite answer to the question she's posed - she chatters loudly, throughout the answer - jabberty jabberty jabber - like a parrot - across the chamber - not listening to one word he's attempting to say. His time runs out - and she's none the wiser.

    Senator Conroy always being told off for exactly the same thing - jabberty jabberty jabber. And
    Penny Wong - the "cat got the cream" sneery Senate version of Plibersek -
    all glib, smug, self absorbed self satisfied - an ego the size of a house.

    They get PAID for this rubbish they go on with? And with OUR hard earned money?

    These three, in particular, a joke! (And now add in the 3 PUPS). where the hell are we headed?

    And Muir of the miniscule votes - teaching his little daughter how to do wheelies? Great! Only fell over the line on a handful of preferences - and now he, too, trying to rule the roost. Destroy OUR democratic vote!

    If this is our Senate - God help us! we're headed for disaster - and much gloomier days.
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