All SASers,
Meet & Greet Point Form:
1. Funding: the topic that everyone wants to know about. There was no indication how they will raise funds but there was an indication how we are not going and that's CR. Over the last 3 days SAS management have been in numerous meetings / with various institutions and the likes.
2. OFCOM: paperwork have been submitted. SAS Management acknowledge that everything takes time and they have accounted for that. I inquired regarding delays due to licencing. This can happen but not likely. As we move forward paperwork will be stream lined as only some of the details will have to be amended.
3. USA Washington DC in March: I asked if anything specific was lined up. Meir's response: 'stayed tuned'.
4. GomSpace: Brett Mitchell mentioned that to date north of 10mil Euro have been out laid by them for the production line of the Pearls.
No production has commenced to date. Meir explained the difference between PDR and CDR.
Plaminiry Design Review and Critical Design Review. With the PDR completed now we are waiting on the CDR where final amendments can be made. Following that will be the production stage.
GomSpace advancing with a dedicated production line inserts massive confidence in my investment.
5. Company matrix: it looks like there will be up to 50 employees for SAS. The sales team will be growing. IMO this is smart business. Now that the tech is proven we shifting gear.
I asked about potential customers. Meidad answer: 'we are working through a long list'.
6. Launches: this point has come up again. Virgin is still on the cards with other providers being monitored. No specific company was mentioned for a back up.
Launching delays due to launch malfunction: is covered by always have other sats ready already.
7. Hotspot: SAS will have their own hotspot. I can not say at what stage this is at.
There is so much more that was discussed but I'll leave it to my fellow SASers to bring you the news.
Once again good seeing you PK.
The SAS Team are gentleman. While there is risk in any investment they did say the tech is de-risked.
Great seeing Meidad and Meir.