And I will point out, again, But there in lays the problem, You...

  1. 23,487 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    And I will point out, again, But there in lays the problem, You have not yet once shown it, where ARE these points bellow of yours, shown in Mark 9:1, Matt 16:28 and Luke 9:27 = YOU cannot show it, because it's not possible!''

    The references and descriptions are right there in front eyes, Mr Wotsup.....if you can't see what is in front of you, for all to see, you are beyond help. Maybe better glasses? Or a brain transplant?

    It would appear You take people for idiots as you think you can manipulate and twist verses around and think no one will notice and yet it is - for all to see, you are beyond help. Maybe better glasses? Or a brain transplant?

    The following verse Matt 16:27-28 is not the ones you have been trying to align with Mark 9:1, so cut the crap.
    These Matt 16:27-28 "are" the same event/topic as Mark 9:1, however as I have shown you many times now, the "every man" is not part of it and neither in the Greek.
    It is only referring to "each" of those standing there that acted upon and abided in the preceding message to these verses that Jesus gave.
    Now YOU, have been trying to align the events in Matt ch 24, bleeping 8 chapters away and "another" event.
    And the closest little link you have, is this ridiculous "every man" part, no more no less = Pathetic.

    “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man each according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.“ (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

    So just man up and admit, YOU cannot show how the follow points from Matt 24 can possibly fit and align to Matt 16:27-28.

    1. No mention "ever" by me that, the Transfiguration was part of this, despite You claiming this, numerous times.
    2. No mention of the Temple being destroyed as in the events your trying to align Mark 9:1 to.
    3. No mention of many will come in my name.
    4. No mention of wars and rumors of wars.
    5. No nation rising upon nation.
    6. No mention of earth quakes.
    7. No one getting beaten.
    8. No brothers betraying brothers.
    9. No gathering the elect.
    10. No judgement for every man.

    So there it is DBT - You can't possibly do it, as I have pointed out from day one.

    PS. I wonder what stunt you will pull next, rather entertaining I would expect haha.
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