Your prognosis if thats what it is is falwed in a number of...

  1. 831 Posts.
    Your prognosis if thats what it is is falwed in a number of ways. The Saudi government?? (What government?) the King is brain dead and waiting to have his life support system turned off.

    Bandar Sultan who has command of the natrional Guard is a pro American Royal but not a slave of their policies. His arch rival is Abudullah who has control of the police and sections of the army. He is not in favour of the US or the west in any form donating his country or their forms of government or their oil.

    The lifetime bargain that Aramco won with guns at the hads of Saudi's was torn apart three years ago which made the US mad.

    Sudenly they find the Saudi's are no longer a moderate country like they have always referred to them as. When Fahad and his brother ruled. It is much like the way in which the never referred to the Shah of Iran as a Muslim. never.

    The Saudi's and other Arabs never will go back into the bottle. Not especially after the Europeans galvanised them into nationalistic forces to drive out the Ottomans.

    They are perfectly entitled to fight amongst themselves as much as the Europeans and Americans and Other Christians devour and mutilate each other every so often. It is part of human nature and international politics.

    It is not the middle east that has the capacity toe ngulf the world. it is the existence of a pus on the butt of that region in Israel that continues to create the tensions we allface.

    "Gods chosen" and they behave like it. Look at the force behind Bush and the fraud that became the "Search for WMD". Feith, Kissinger, Perle, Wolfowitz, and of course a house boy and a house girls in tow to ensure the racial quotas were filled. And for what. feith has already a cnsultancy in Baghdad giving out contracts as has perleman and the others. You cannot get anything without them. They reinforce the negative stereotyping of their types and of course as Feiths law firm drafted a cnostitution for the new Iraq they hope to create guess what?? Immediate and unconditional recognition of Israel, concessional oil to Israel, training of the armed forces and special forced by Israel and no recognition of the Palestinians adn an immediate deprotation of any Palestinian from any of the territories found wthin Iraq.

    Don't tell them than though will you. You'll hear endless cowardly bleating of how Hitler made soap bars and lampshades of them and how they have been persecuted for 2,000 years.

    The Saudi Government has been in the hands of the New theocrats from the Whabbi sect who are not oposed to the Other Suni's or Shia like they would have us believe.

    I for one do not believe the recent bombings were the work of a highly organised, lethal and professional force as Al Queida (as we are forced to know them by). They know their target and have proved they can breach a lazy unmotivated, highly incompetent force like the US and Israel.

    Israel was great when fighting an enemy of camel jockeys. Today they beg for the war in Iraq to continue to provide the distraction they badly need.

    The US and its allis are now sitting ducks. You may not remember Viet nam I do. Theyir reactions with Operation "Iron Hand" will increase and unite the numbers against them and mutilate them.

    Australians are now in heir highest state of alert. They are undeniably next and what a prospect is that?? There is a force called the USA/ Israel axis that has galvanised the Arabs like never before.

    Their ability to demoralise the enemy can be gauged from the number of US servicemen and women that have taken local partners against army orders and converted to Islam.

    The Old Soviets who want to pay back the US for their involvement in humiliating them in Afghanistan are training and providing support for the insurgents in Iraq. it will be a long hard battle. And those who return to the states will practice their craft on their fellow men no worries.

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