Savage Murder and Australia demeaned

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    and so Indonesia has gone ahead with this mass butchery of what is pure and simple politically motivated murder - this firing squad of 96 shooters - and the sick circus of locals standing around, smoking, and laughing - this some sort of entertainment. The families deliberately humiliated, and made to suffer dreadfully - mothers fathers brothers ans sisters forced to walk a ghasly macabre gamut of being pushed, shoved, demeaned, and carried, collapsed in grief - in some of the most appalling scenes of deliberate sadistic mental and physical cruelty ever seen - these victims made to suffer the most excruciatingly depths of mental suffering and what amounts to sadistic torture, over years.

    Our Prime Minister and Foreign Minister insulted, ignored - their calls not taken - a total insult to Australia.

    Where is the positivity in this vile murder? These men have already served ten years, in the most hellish circumstances, in a filthy and stinking hot gaol.

    I come from a position of having loved and travelled - even having lived in Indonesia - over many decades. Some of my family speak the language, have lived in family compounds, not hotels.

    However the fact remains, the (Hindu) Balinese are a race and culture apart - and generally HATE the Javanese, who are in the main Muslim. Who have a reputation of greed and running businesses in Bali from which all profits go back to Jakarta - with little benefit to the poor Balinese communities.

    At late Press Conference put on for show late last nignt, the Indonesian Attoney General, (who looks like a cross between Al Capone and Groucho Marx) - when asked, in Bahasa, just when the executions were to take place - screamed, in anger - "*Malam" - asked again - he screamed again - "Malam" - looking savage. (*Tonight.)

    The three or four hoons ranged behind him thought the whole scene vastly amusing - especially one, who was openly laughing in delight!

    From this brutal atrocity - (Selfies being taken after the deaths of smiling locals with the coffins - sick sick sick) -this middle finger in our faces (and Aussie media men on the scene last night claimed all Aussie phones had been jammed just prior to these murders) - we have a true picture of the viciousness and hatred for Australia and Australians emerging.

    As for our Aussie actors - (some madman got them together for a last day bizarre "I am for Mercy") video spiel - not a word from any one of them in this pathetic and politically bizarre clip against the barbaric cruelty of the Indoesian Presidnet - this lot - their egos totally rampant - dared to blame Tony Abbott - for not doing enough. This clip now taken off - and some of them apologising - pulling their head in - saying "I only said "I am for Mercy" - and nothing about Tony Abbott.

    This reckless and irresponsibly stupid video clip grossly unfair to all the huge hard work behind the scenes Mr. Abbott and Ms. Bishop and others of our diplomatic corps are doing. And IT could well have pushed fate against these condemnded men, leading this vicious President to believe he had the support of these suppsoedly well known egostical idiot "film Stars". They are to be condemned for this action. And more relevant - WHO organised it. I smell Bill Shorten's "Get Up" - who are today remarkably quiet - as as the Greens - so histrionic about various lesser alleged cruelties, but absolutely nothing to say about this!

    As some of are called "racist" "red neck" bigot" when crticising Islam - I will be heavily oposed on this post content by some.

    No one condones drug peddling.

    But cold bloodedly murdering those who have been caught and arrested, and imprisoned - and rehabilitated for ten years - laughing whiolst doing it - turning it into a huge political circus - they are the ones wh, today, stand condemned.

    I used to love Indonesia. Our own daughter spent most of her early career paying the relative Univerisy fees to enable an Indoesian national friend get through University in Indonesia, his father having been tortured and killed in the late 60's purge of alleged Communists. Yes, his father was killekd - tortured - by having all his lims cut off - all - and all his property confiscated. Leaving his widow to raise a large family - and she was gaoled, though innocent. Yes, this is the Indoensian way. Such could never happen here - we hope. Today - I hate, and loathe it - and condemn it - for tolerating this unspeakable barbarity For all the laughing - for all the vile selfies being taken with coffins. And doubt whether I - or mine - will ever bother to go back.

    Film actors - Mr. Abbott doesn't have to "grow" anything, Suggest it's all of you - who need to GROW UP! Tripping over your egos (and we have never hEARD of some of you) you perhaps sent these men, fonally, to their deaths.

    I note this little coweardly Preisdential weed didn't dare kill the line woman prisoner. And where has he been in all this - never seen/ what, hiding in the luxury of his vast Palace?

    These 8 people killed in the most atrociously cruel manner - after months of mental cruelty against their loved ones and them - where was YOUR portest over the past months when this was all unravelling.

    Christianity gives is faith, hope, and positivity - with love of our fellow man it's major platform. Most of these overnight murder vcidctims are CHRISTIANS! Islam, it seems, is surely the religion of death.

    And now we have this macabre parade of coffins coming back to Australia.

    Australians who have not travelled - who do NOT know Indeosia in any depth - wake up to the fact that Australia and Indonesia arew two different planets - and it is acknowledged up there that the whole place runs daily by virture of small or larger corruptions. I allege these men were killed now - two weeks before the next court case due May 12th on matters pertaining to thei trials - just to shut them and their lawyers up - for these are still very serious allegations of judicial corruption having been present when thes two Aussies were intially sentenced. A claim $135,000 was asked, in return for a 20 years sentence. Brave is the local lawyer who has led and proceede this allegation. He must now look over HIS shoulder. I preicts he will meet a bad and violent end - or that his legal career will now be over. This is No democracy - it's a brutal dictatorship.

    How these families bear this atrocity and suffering is a mystery to me.

    And many Aussies out there keep generating hate - and what - are happy to see Australia demeaned and so insulted?

    With regard to all these 8 victims - May their dear souls rest in peace. And may their families be able to live, somehow, under the immense wieght of this barbarous crime - and their unbearable grief.

    Now HERE is a major Human Rights atrocity. This claim of courrption will never be heard now. Kill the witnesses is the Indo way. DO I hear a murmur from the Left? Hansen Young falling about crying? NO! But the usual attacks on Mr. Abbott. As someone said on radio just overnight - did they expect him to take a commercial flight to Jakarta and stand outsdie the palace throwing pebbles at the Presdident's windows?

    I have placed this on general. This is an international incident - yet related to each and every one of us - who, unlike these smirking killers - hold each and every life sacrosant. And bring down fair judgements accordingly.

    Lots of blood on lots of hands - including our Australian Federal Police.

    Sarah Hansen-Young, Christine Milne - Greenies and Leftis- where is your tetth gnashing and weeping?

    Indonesian stands condemned. They are revealed as a cruel and callous society. TWO faced - tying to get their own off various international death sentences - yet kliing ours and laughing about it. They now show us enmity. we must proceed with caution.

    I smell danger now - under the rule of this bloodthirsty alleged madman - this "big bloke" President. an ex-furnitre salesman. An occupation he should have stuck with. Now, I allege, he struts and preens, isnults all of us - and has turned, with help of grinning hoons, to authorise and commit State sanctioned murders, to cover up his very questionable political agendas.

    Well done, Abbott and Bishop. Thank God for leaders such as you.

    Who made this damaging actors' video - which may have well CAUSED these murders to proceed - the public should be told! who ever did - they, I allege, are traitorous subversives.

    I thank HC for the chance to put up a civil General post in the spirit of free speech. The language and vile hate being expressed by many haters on other sites has to be read to be believed. Seeing it - I am ashamed to be an Australian. And wonder just where it is our own society is headed, the opinions expressed so vile.
    Last edited by iron mike: 29/04/15
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