so now we have "nice" when Madmin cracks the whip. From some of...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    so now we have "nice" when Madmin cracks the whip. From some of the sneerers.

    with all due respect to the Daily Mail - and no one's said these two were NOT culpable - all this was 10 years ago. Perhaps Chan - at least - WAS horrible, then. Was his remorse and religious conversion genuine. God will know.

    WE are not God. Only God knows what is the truth in our hearts and minds - or otherwise.

    And these lurid claims have never been tested, in a Western court, by any Western legal teams, or judges - tried by hopefully totally objective QC's -

    I'm sure that perhaps many of us did things we may now deeply regret having done - 10, or twenty, one or 30 years on. I agree these claims do not paint Chan in the best light. But was it a case of "the boss made me do it?"

    All of us, are -under our own laws - are entitled to be "assumed innocent until proven guilty."

    Surely these two as Aussies also deserved that consideration - which would have been extended - in a assured (we hope) non-corrupted court strict environment, in Australia. At present, these remain untested allegations. Perhaps gossip or rumor. Now never to be tested. And thereby the tragedy. Were they killed by the State - to shut them up? Stop this next hearing due May 12th? Were these added alegations ever brought before an Indonesian court, officially? Could not our AFP have been called to give relative evidence re. these extenuations of allegations. If not - why not?

    If guilty, after an Australian trial - they would have received the appropriate tough and long sentence appropriate here. Decades without parole. Not been dragged out, like animals to slaughter - and shot brutally - tied to some post - after 10 years of hellish Kerobokan.. Worse, a further court case was pending, at their death - which revelations, if forthcoming, would have impacted on a sentence - had it been held in Australia.

    For instance - was there an Indonesian accomplice - or a few such - involved within Indonesia. Whose name now needs to be covered up? And fast? Yes, WHO supplied the heroin they strapped to themselves. In my experience - there's always a local accomplice - or three. And do they still do it - and thrive, unhindered? This article opens more lids of more pandoras boxes. Someone has shut the lids - silenced the lot?

    We can never judge a book by its cover. Some look sweet and innocent - yet are mass murderers. And the opposite is true. That little winsome grey haired lady ahead in the express queue - you'd never know is (say) a leading top Professor.Some people are good actors - and spend their whole lives duping people - to feather their own nests.

    A court case - run under Westminster systems - is a good way to get to the real truths. These dead men never had that benefit. A fair trial. What do the AFP say? And will we ever hear the truths from them? They can only be assumed truths, now.

    Always easy to judge. From an armchair - or pre-formed opinions.

    State sanctioned murder. Wrong men given the death sentence. Life is not just. We try - but we're never perfect. Well, except for the Indonesian Attorney General - who gloated, last night - visiting the death site - gloating - "we're getting much better at it" - or words to that effect. Gee, next time - perhaps they'll have celebratory fireworks - and an all girl cheer squad. (In bhurkas, of course).

    Sounds like London. Late 1700's. Poor woman - innocent - convicted of something wrongly. 5000 onlookers came along to watch her being hanged - and then her body was burnt on the spot, publicly, straight away. Perhaps they sold tickets? Popcorn. Chocolate coateds? Man can be a vastly cruel animal. Man - where is thy compassion?
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