CRI 8.33% 1.3¢ critica limited

Save the Tarkine can't find the cash, page-32

  1. 2,238 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 24
    I doubt they need the cases....have you seen how long it takes to get to's work they don't need ....when will sanity prevail and we get some government action.....against these groups and the people setting them up. The greens need to be made more accountable
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Mkt cap ! $34.74M
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1.3¢ 1.3¢ 1.3¢ $639 51.10K

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12 5875914 1.2¢

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1.3¢ 4025553 12
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Last trade - 16.10pm 02/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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