CRI 7.69% 1.4¢ critica limited

Save the Tarkine can't find the cash, page-39

  1. 1,081 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 87
    I agree that it is all about the iron ore price from here. If your worried about STT then you are wasting your energy - they are exhausting their avenues and this will clear the decks for Mt Lindsay. The politicians are behind VMS on this project and the ONLY thing in this for STT is publicity - so don't waste your breath (or your keyboard) on him. It will be interesting to see what happens when he finally gets presented with the bill though.

    I am hopeful that we will see a lift in IO price (it wont be huge though) and for things to get underway later this year. The often talked about drop in the AUD will help also, and that all depends on what happens in the US. I think management are being smart in waiting - they are obviously trying to maximise returns from Riley so we get off to a good start on Mt Lindsay. There is talk of the tin price moving up in 2015 as well. With a bit of luck (we are owed some surely!) next year could be a good year for VMS.

    My personal expectations are that the share price wont move much until Riley starts and the market sees some certainty in the amount of money we will get from it. I would expect the share price to then take off if the tin price breaks out of its current trading range.
    For that reason I am a HOLD.
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Mkt cap ! $37.63M
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1.3¢ 1.5¢ 1.3¢ $53.19K 3.794M

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4 209083 1.4¢

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1.5¢ 2036996 5
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Last trade - 15.52pm 17/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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