Saved by faith, rewards for works, page-94

  1. 3,979 Posts.
    All have sinned, the great Christian mantra. A religion endlessly obsessed with people's sex life and other nefarious sins just like the Muslims.

    Of course all have committed acts they should not have. When your children broke a window or gave you cheek, did you curse your own future grandchildren because of them and their grandchildren's grandchildren? Did you wish death upon them? How is it then possible to imagine such a heinous, petulant act or such cruel, immoral, injustice then belonging to your God, because Adam got tricked into eating a piece of fruit?

    This would have to be the single most idiotic rendering of scripture in the whole pantheon of idiotic scriptural rendering. It is usually followed by, but He loves you.

    This is too ridiculous to even be discussing and yet we do because a third of the worlds population, the Christian, can not differentiate between a spiritual concept and reality. Between the symbolic, metaphoric teachings contained within a 3,000 year old work and real world spiritual concepts.

    You can read and write so you must be capable of some semblance of understanding. Why don't you throw out all you think you know and start again. Start form the basis that the Creator of the universe did so out of a pure love that we can not even begin to conceive and see how you go. Every time you are then tempted to go against science and logic just remember that Creation is pure love in action and Creation itself is a miracle and needs no other miracles layered over it.

    All miracles are about spiritual transformation because one comes back to God in the spirit. The reality of being human is the human spirit. The Bible is written about the human spirit in forms that people might understand, snakes and fruit and trees of good and evil, tree of life, death entering the world. These are devises to describe spiritual concepts which are not of this world and as such there is no everyday language for them. God forbid that anybody should imagine that they were meant to be understood literally. Nobodies that silly, are they?

    Now give it a go, be the first on your Christian block to think for yourself and not via 2,000 years of somebody else's junk renderings of the Bible.

    Good luck.
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