say your piece in the sunshine on hc radio, page-2

  1. 1,320 Posts.
    This may be a night where our audience is unmotivated and I can understand that. It's like Fight Club - how long can you be battered before you give in but still won't admit that Fight Club exists. The forces battering us now are not of our doing, so I say listeners we are 20,000 miles away from the Greedy Bunch and we have sunshine and friends, family and a few veges growing in the garden. However sad the old tomato vines may look at least you are trying. This next song is about trying - about trying to live like Aussies. It's not from the original singer - John J Francis has gone walkabout - but this version is still alright, with Caddie, Mike Rudd from the old Spectrum and some new kid called Lior. For non-surfers it's worth persisting with the song, you'll like it.

    Simple Ben (the new improved version with added 08 appeal)

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