scaring kids for gaia, page-14

  1. 13,583 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    K-10 NSW Science Syllabus. No mention of climate change anywhere. The only mention of human impact I have emphasised. Isn't it possible that someone who writes for quadrant would be exaggerating for political effect?:

    A student:


    describes some observable changes over time on the Earth’s surface that result from natural processes and human activity


    describes how relationships between the sun and the Earth cause regular changes


    Earth's surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity. (ACSSU075)

    use appropriate tools and equipment to collect and record data about some changes in natural conditions, eg tides, daily temperature, rainfall and wind NLICT
    investigate how change in the environment is used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to develop seasonal calendars AHCCCT
    describe some changes in the landscape that have occurred over time as a result of natural processes, eg erosion by wind and water
    research changes that have occurred in a local environment in Australia or an Asian region as a result of human activities, eg increasing erosion, construction of built environments and regeneration of an area ASE

    Earth's rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day. (ACSSU048)

    demonstrate that the rotation of the Earth on its axis is the cause of night and day, eg by using models of the Earth and sun
    describe local seasonal changes that occur as a result of the Earth's movement around the sun
    observe and record changes in the length and direction of a shadow during the day to show how the movement of the Earth around the sun can be used to measure time, eg by using a shadow clock or sundial

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