This is exactly what I was talking about Renton Imperial...

  1. 445 Posts.
    This is exactly what I was talking about Renton

    Imperial (11.36):

    "lets legalise dope cause warnie recons hes got seven zeros (hope theres a number in front of it..) and he smoked dope!!! .............

    .....and class got nothin to do with it. except kelly had some, and corby hasnt.

    if you want to defend a criminal, defend a decent one....hehehe"

    Sad really, that this type of ignorant and prejudiced (and proud) attitude is so common. I particulalry love the put down "DO-GOODERS" (oh how I miss John Laws and Stan Zamanek...NOT). Never understood that term, but I would have thought that the anti-dope brigade are the do-gooders?

    OK she was caught, do-the-crime-do-the-time yada yada, but the question I have is why on earth, knowing how strict airport security is these days with the sniffer dogs everywhere and stuff like that, and presuming she is such a big time drug dealer, why would she put such a big and lumpy (and expensive) bag of weed into an simple boogy bag with a zipper and no lock? Something doesnt add up I am afraid.
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