DDZX does not evangelise Buddhism, i.e., exhort others to...

  1. 27,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    DDZX does not evangelise Buddhism, i.e., exhort others to convert. DDZX merely uses it as a different perspective for contrast & improvement.

    Wrong ddzx. Your ceaseless bombardment with Buddhism is no different from what many other evangelists do. If you really want to highlight a different perspective of Buddhism try changing your posting style.
    For example, despite your old age & now at least 2nd attempt to bring up children, you appeared lost about this. Buddha can offer much about ways to relate to & bring up children. Since Buddhism is not really a religion, the advice Buddha can give you about children is simply that: 'advice' rather than 'evangelism'. Despite others generously answering your many questions, you still are not learning anything, it seems.

    ddzx, we get plenty of good advice from others. In spite of what you say, teachers, friends, and acquaintances all tell us that the children are happy and well adjusted. I challenge you to achieve the same outcome with children who have had similar experiences ever before you reach my "old age".

    You say that we "attempt" to bring up children and "still are not learning anything" implies to me that you think we are stuffing the whole thing up. Again, ddzx being judgemental without a shred of evidence.

    It may come as a surprise to you that Buddha is not the only source of good advice. We get plenty of good advice from those who do not have an affiliation to Buddhism or any other ideology.

    Try being a bit straight for a change, instead of using the excuse of providing advice to satisfy your need to be judgemental even to the extent of having no evidence to support your judgements.

    Funny that you are the only person who is regularly accusing me of not learning despite the generosity of answering questions.

    In any case I can't recall that you ever acknowledge that someone who disagrees with you has a valid point. If you did so, it is certainly extremely rare.

    In short, you are not on this forum to learn anything, only to satisfy your apparent need to criticise no matter what. Evidence means nothing to you. Correct, ddzx?

    As though DDZX supports any apostasy doctrine, such as exists in the Bible, in both the OT & NT? The OT apostasy doctrine is execution (stoning to death) for apostasy & the NT apostasy doctrine is eternal damnation. As for the Koran, it contains no apostasy doctrine I have read.

    Your attempts to hide your support of Islamic apostasy are infantile. Do you have absolutely no idea of what is going on in the Islamic world?

    If the OT supports a doctrine that murders apostates does that mean that it is open season for your Muslim mates to do the same in 2014?

    Show me just one Christian denomination that are going around blowing themselves and others up on a regular basis in the name of Jesus while shouting "Jesus is great" in 2014.

    Show me just one Christian denomination that is regularly machine gunning infidels in public while shouting "Jesus is great" in 2014.

    Your ability to think logically appears to be severely impaired.

    As for Muslims in Europe, they were invited there as slave labour ('guest workers'). It is a problem Europeans created. But like a typical Xian, you seem to wish to blame Muslims for the self-created problems of Europeans.

    Another pathetic infantile attempt to justify Islamic doctrine and related behavior in 2014. Try educating yourself in Islamic plans to introduce a worldwide Caliphate and universal sharia law. If you want to live under sharia law in 2014, the best of luck to you.

    Typical Christian? Have you not read the extensive debates I have had with Christians on subjects like evolution? Where these people show typical Christian behaviour is that they challenge my ideas and don't resort to calling me a White Supremacist.

    You may be surprised to learn that I think that discussing our differences has brought us closer together. Perhaps you could learn something from this. I'll let them decide if this is true. Generally Christians are secure enough to do this.

    If that is Christian, I choose it any day over your Islamic supporters club.

    Although you declare to be an atheist, because you appear to be a White Supremacist, it is apparent you have empathy towards Christianity since Christianity is historically intrinsic to White Supremacist cultures, such as Apartheid in South Africa, slavery in America & dispossession in Australia.
    ddzx, has found another bandwagon - whereu is a White Supremacist.

    I lived in South Africa for a while during the apartheid era and was arrested for opposing apartheid - but, hey, according to ddzx logic that makes me a White Supremacist

    Try to offer something of substance to this forum, apart from your voyeuristic commentaries on what others write.

    If you have got this far ddzx, do you even know what voyeuristic means. Have you just discovered a new word and are going to use it no matter what? Understand this: having to watch ddzx undress would be the worst nightmare I have ever had.
    OK, your turn ddzx. Ready, fire.... oh, and aim
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