Dave, Dave, DAVE!Rules made by a particular society, no matter...

  1. 4,271 Posts.
    Dave, Dave, DAVE!

    Rules made by a particular society, no matter how small, get it, no matter how small (this includes a family unit of two) IF it must make any rules of any value, they must be made with the consent of a) everyone in that community and b) logic.
    There might have been some bizarre logic in coming out with that uniform rule in that school at some point in time (richy, b itchy parents who want to show off their wealth, parents who have more consideration for the architecture of the school and the fashion designer of uniform then the sort of teachers they employ) but those rules are no longer relevant. What happens? Who gets consulted?
    Ahhhh the parents! People like you and Yak who'll insist on what? Well, I'd say if it was up to Yak, I can see the Hassidic curls and the skull caps and the star of Davids and shiny black waist jackets -Don't worry Yak, I know I'm being stereotypical but I'm only trying to show a worse case senario, not that I talking with any certainty about your personal wishes!-
    If it's up to Ubdul Rahmann, it will be knee length and eye-only clothes.
    Ask the children, alone, tell them to forget what their parents insist on, protect them from any harrassment with strong laws and watch the difference.
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