crabs:I totally hear you and undertstand what you are saying. I...

  1. 2,473 Posts.

    I totally hear you and undertstand what you are saying. I was a schoolie myself once and indeed went back the yr after to enjoy it again. and for the most part the night time in cavill (except for the first 2 nights) is kinda boring. the first two nights is action a plenty, heaps of people, really crowded heaps of police EVERYWHERE both walking and horse mounted. those are great times, no doubt about it.

    but the sadness comes when 3:30 am rocks around, you're all stoned, drunk out of your mind, you lose your friends somewhere in the crowd, as the crowd disipates you fall asleep on the beach to wake up with a strange man humping you, u beg him to get off, but he won't, you notice there is no condom and fear the worst.

    or your back in the hotel room, having a party with friends, and your 'best friend' spikes your drink, then another friend (male) takes you to a room, and starts on you, won't let you go, uses physcial violence against you till you give in and he rapes you. then two weeks later when you get home, no one wants to talk to you, you are a social disgrace because 'you're cheap and easy', because 'you asked for it'

    both of the above are real scenarios and have happend. another scenario ... a group called hotel chaplaincy started this about 10 yrs ago, they basically raid hotel rooms. they knock on the door, invite themselves in with lollies, and while they are in the rooms, they find people hanging off balconies (about to fall off 10 stories) not aware they were even out there, they make sure the rooms are not being trashed, etc, and help anyone who is not feeling well. This mob was so sucessful that most of the hotels on the gold coast have since fully funded the work they do .. why, it saves them money from trashed rooms. mum's and dads love it coz it now means that someone is 'gatecrashing' and making sure daughter is ok.

    unfortunately they can't cover every room, but they do what they can.

    i'm not taking away from it being a great time Crab, but reality is reality, and people get hurt and in some instances killed (betcha didn't know that).

    i don't know the answer to the problem, its one that community welfare groups have been trying to combat for a long time, with limited sucess, how to make a fun 'safe' time. money is a big driver too .. the cavill mall mcdonalds makes more money in those few weeks of schoolies than they do for the rest of the yr combined. council makes a bundle and the hotels certainly cash in.

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