Schools = Rapid spread of virus.

  1. 228 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Some thought needs to go into how schools can function in the future, social distancing 2m

    more distance is needed in a breeze.

    PPE is a matter of concern, masks need to filter .1 micron particles.

    From Australia needs to produce ppe and most other things.

    "Sacrificing the Children Leads to the Death of Society"

    "When blind obedience to questionable authorities, unprincipled
    subservience to economics, override survival instincts"


    ‘Major concern’: Nearly 100 New York children treated for mysterious inflammatory illness thought to be linked to Covid-19

    Mayor: 52 NYC children diagnosed with inflammatory syndrome

    I recently sent this email to 30 childcare facilities in Arizona, many of which are already open:

    “Dear Childcare Professional,

    While it’s understandable that we all want this pandemic to end and be able to return to normal business, there are some facts that need to be known.

    First, this is an Ebola level, ever-mutating pathogen. It doesn’t operate in accordance with our preferences. The lockdown needs to be months longer…because the actual incubation period is up to three months. And it’s largely spread by asymptomatic carriers. Further, most of our medical facilities are inadequate to control, contain and stop the spread of this pathogen and, in fact, can inadvertently spread the disease to the community.

    Of huge concern is the potentially very deadly toll that will be taken on our children, as they are now not only spreaders of the disease but becoming victims themselves:

    5-year-old is first child death from COVID-19-related inflammatory syndrome reported in U.S

    Rare syndrome tied to COVID-19 kills three children in New York, Cuomo says

    It is unconscionable to gamble with our children’s lives. Whatever information “official sources” may provide, it is still up to each and everyone of us to…think for ourselves. And to do so keeping our children’s health and well-being in mind.

    It’s a matter of record that I’ve been informing officials, hospitals, media, educators, etc., in AZ since March 5th, regarding the actual facts about this disease. All of the information I’ve sent has subsequently been corroborated. Had it been investigated, let alone heeded, many lives wouldn’t have already been lost in our state.

    This communication too is now a matter of record. Hopefully, history will show that it was important enough for you to discuss, pose questions, challenge, etc., in pursuit of the truth, good health and safety of all concerned.

    I am calling for childcare facilities to remain closed until this pandemic is verifiably under control and no longer a threat to our children’s health, which is interconnected to the health of our families and communities.


    Michael Horn”

    I received one reply so far, from the Director of the Goddard School, in Buckeye, AZ, an apparent supporter of prematurely ending the lockdown:

    “The school follows the CDC as well as AZDHS guidelines and recommendations. You are stepping way out of your scope of practice and professionalism contacting childcare facilities with this information with the understanding we are not under your medical care or seeking your advice. I will be reporting you to the appropriate contacts including the Arizona medical board as this is harassment. Please do not contact us again at this school.”

    To which I also replied:

    “Thank you for your response.

    Since you obviously don’t have sufficient thinking capacity – or the natural protective instincts – to prioritize the safety of the children, I will be publishing your response broadly as well.

    Of course, if you know that this isn’t a highly contagious, Ebola level disease, also spread by children as per the articles below, please feel free to provide…substantiated evidence in rebuttal.”


    The Eyes Have It

    Here is yet another “new” scientific finding:

    Coronavirus CAN enter the body through the eyes: Scientists find eye cells are a prime target for the deadly virus to attach to

    However, on March 16, nearly two months earlier, we published the following information, already warning about contamination via the eyes. Additionally, transmission through “other body excretions” is also corroborated in this new article about sexual transmission:

    9. Ninethly: An infectious contact can also occur via infected persons that are coughing and sneezing, or by dogs and cats, because also pets can be carriers of the coronavirus. Also, the indirect way of contact infection or smear infection with the virus from items, body surfaces or food on which the infectious air borne droplets have settled, leads to contamination if they subsequently get into the body via the mucous membranes, for example, the mouth, nose or eyes. A transmission via the faecal-oral way and other body excretions is also possible, as is a transmission via infected animals, creatures and house beetles, such as cockroaches and so forth.

    Not So Fast

    We’ve also learned German Towns To Reimpose Shutdowns Over Virus Clusters as people are slowly beginning to realize that it ain’t over till it’s over, a lesson that our beloved country of complainersshould heed, lest our impatience leads to this plague exploding and leading to even greater numbers of casualties.

    UPDATE thanks to John Bryant.

    Coming Attractions:

    The Predicted Worldwide Volcanic Eruptions Begin

    See also, for all FIGU-related Corona-Virus warnings:

    !! FIGU Corona-Virus Warning Service !!

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