you can see clearly the absurdity of the trinity concept of...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    you can see clearly the absurdity of the trinity concept of Jesus praying to himself.

    Now you have said in the past how unfortunate it was that I still cling to some aspects of the trinity, even though I have told you, I stepped back and actually read for myself and my findings are not of anyone else accept based around the Word in the Bible.
    However, you appear to NOT practice what you advise others to do, applying The Word to Jesus in John 1:1 as you do and even though you ADD a tweak to it, your version STILL HAS the Trinity ROOTS, which you not only refuse to CUT OFF, it seems your not prepared to step outside JW doctine and examine for yourself, that in it's self is a mystery???

    (Hebrews 4:12) For the word of God is alive

    In considering the words here of Heb AND in light of some verses I gave you in my last post, ARE YOU seeing or digesting what it's saying here - The word alive - The God, The Spirit, The Word are ONE, Just as the abandoned verse in 1 John 5:7 states.
    (The remaining verse as I have told you 5:8 has been corrupted as well, as "agree" shouldn't be there. It should be translated just as 5:7 was and that being, these three are ONE as well. You can't translation Greek one way and then another).

    If you walk in the Spirit = Walking in the word = One in the same.
    If you walk in God = You are walking in the three, The Father, The Word and The Spirit.

    The same was in the beginning OT and that same carries over into John for the first (and beyond) 13 verses of John.
    For your benefit and if for nothing more than curiosity, read the first 13 verses of John with The Word in mind which WAS in the OT (put Jesus out of the picture for these) and then tell me honestly as the whether you think it is not possible that this "could" flow like water off a ducks back.

    Now I saw in one of your post, how or the effects of God's word being within - Does that not ring a Bell.
    So lets consider your Unity subject, if that's the way you want to assess it - The Bible if you look, no question about it, links The Word (of God if you like) with His Spirit as though they are one in the same or from one - So if you don't want to accept that God dwells in you, his Spirit dwell in you literally, then your Unity point, still works. If you have His word in you (mind), you have his Spirit and Him in there as well.

    If you grasp the truth first milk, you can remove the "a" god which turns people away immediately, give God back his Spirit and His Word and you are just left with a bit of fine tuning to do.
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