Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God, page-54

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    • "Organisms which are more likely to reproduce pass down their genes.'
    This is also consistent with intelligent design
    • "Genetic mutations and traits which help an organism survive are passed on."
    Not in all cases
    • Complex traits slowly arise through a series of completely functional intermediates"
    Bacteria,still stays bacteria,it may well have intermediates on the way,but it still stays bacteria,there is a limit to how far the boudaries are within a species or organism,once it reaches that boundary,that is it,this is why there is no scientific evidence,of one kind of organism becoming another type of organism.The cop out is,well we dont see it because we dont see the gradual changes over time.
    • The purpose of genes and physical features changes over time.
    This fact does is not in dispute with an intelligent design , genes from one species,do not turn into genes of another species,they stay within their own genetic boundaries

    " That there is no evidence for the hand of God within the process of evolution is not my opinion, but the simple fact of it.'

    Untrue,there is no evidence,chaos will not arrange itself into greater information

    "There is simply no sign of supernatural agency within gene structure and function, or in the progression of extinction and evolution of species"

    Untrue again,you are quoting opinion as fact

    Gene structure has information contained within its structure,information,always comes from a greater source of information,that my friend is scientific fact.

    The second law of thermodynamics,states that if you put a brand new car for instance into a paddock,and come back 10 years later,will that car be better or worse?

    To say that basic information,will eventually evolve and given enough time of course ,the more zeros that are added of course makes it more believable,basic knowledge will eventually become advanced knowledge is unscientific and absurd.

    For example,Darwin said complex life evolved from a single cell organism,what Darwin didnt have access to was an electron micro scope to see how complex the cell actually is,so complex that no one can recreate it today because of how complex the cell is.

    The cell can only work with all parts functioning and relying on each functioning part to work,or the whole structure will not work

    In other words,the cell has to be a fully formed thing,otherwise it would never work without all parts functioning.

    It couldnt have evolved,it had to have come fro a creator to be fully functioning and complete

    Knowledge,always comes from a greater source of knowledge,so clearly the hand of God is clearly seen
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