science or religion, page-3

  1. 5,732 Posts.
    Are you suggesting that some people are of the view that science cannot be questioned? No scientist would agree with that.

    Or are you implying that it's quite reasonable to express doubt that gravity exists even if you have no reason whatsoever for having that doubt.

    Or maybe you are suggesting that we should disregard all science and stop developing technology just in case one of these days it might be proven that the sun doesn't exist and we're all doomed.

    On the other hand, it seems perfectly reasonable to admit such a thing as 'settled science' - meaning it is based on very solid evidence and robust consistent theories. It provides the foundation for moving on and discovering more.

    Without a basis of 'settled science' we would never have gone to the moon. Nor would there be any space travel or plane travel or computers or the internet or radio and television or antibiotics or clean water or birth control mechanisms or plant and animal breeding programs etc etc.
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