science rules, page-46

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    the hardest question of all is - what IS infinity - and how do we get our minds around it -

    not being contained by anything - no boundaries -

    are there parallel universes - other time dimensions -?

    Worm holes - the space equivalent of freeways into other deimensions?

    t seems ludicrous that much of humanity are intent on belting the daylights out of each other on earth (physically and mentally) in the name of various dogmatic interpretations of "God", and trying to force their various views down other people's necks, whilst all these huge inspirational concepts are there for us to consider and wonder at.

    Most of us tend to look inward instead of outward. And are so wrapped up in our own daily affairs - through the necessaity to thrive and survive of course. We are not all Stephen Hawkings. And so we think about it - but give up - with a very overstrained brain!

    Being right or wrong is not the point. This is a very big ask. Being open-minded enough to consider any possibility (not necessarily to accept it) is the sign of the real progress of the human race.

    It is, after all, 2007. Not the Dark Ages. We should be excited about the future and its possibilities. It's a great pity that so many are not. And are still entrenched in such intra-human hatreds.

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