scientist says "no!" to climate change, page-21

  1. 848 Posts.

    At the end of the day it is very hard to predict exactly what added CO2 will do. It is clear that special interest dollars has corrupted the scientific process without doubt. I find it hard to understand how you can be so sure? Until you can articulate with scientific reasoning why AGW is real people will not take you seriously.

    I crudly calculated that industrial CO2 caused about 0.04 degrees Celsius of warming the past century. This did not involve water vapour effects which would enhance the figure. The alarmist say that increasing temperatures as a result of CO2 should be trippled to take into account the extra water vapour in the atmosphere. This then puts my figure at 0.12 degrees Celsius, still nothing to panic about. If we were to double todays CO2 levels to 800 ppm, this would lead to a 0.5 degree Celsius rise according to my calculations and taking into account water vapour effects. This figure is close to Lindzen's figure based on measured data. Again this increase is not something to panic about. If ever CO2 was a problem go nuclear, simple as that. Use all the nuclear war heads to fuel the reactors as well.

    Fact is BB there is enough doubt. If you want to have blind faith on this one then feel free but do not be surprised when people disagree. If you want to jump on this blind faith train that is your decision. Until you can justify your claims many people will not join you.

    I mean desert climates are extreme, 50 degrees Celsius during the day and then -10 degrees Celsius at night. This occurs because there is little water vapour in the atmosphere around deserts. When do you have a freezing night in say Sydney after a 45 degree Celsius day? Never, the only difference being the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere. Case in point of the superior significance of water vapour.

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