Scientists and ...!, page-3830

  1. 23,835 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Yes, once I had gotten myself on what I call firm grounds, or The Rock I then went looking to quite an extent to see what others had to say in various areas.

    And yes, there are a whole range of differences and unfortunately, many of them come with some rather strange, backings or creations to get these differences.

    You get quite a few laughs out of the John 1:1 fiasco, even from those that don't believe it's referring to Jesus.

    No one or most, don't seem to want to give a hoot as to what the understanding of Logos was, well and truly before Jesus hit the scene.
    In the short version, it means thought, reason, plan as much as it means words expressed.

    And,..... beginning was Word "The" Word from which comes The word = The Word of God as in 2 Tim 1:9 - Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before time eternal.

    It "was with God" and own purpose --> and God was The Word.
    The same, this, it (2 Tim) was in the beginning with God.
    Hence 1:4 In Him Life was and that life (2 Tim) was the light of men.

    They totally ignore what John the Baptist was first to do as per Mal 3:1 etc, prepare the way, make path straight, for God at first, Truth of what was and who it was, before the sudden appearance of Jesus.
    This is done in the first 13 verses, all about God and the sudden appearance of Jesus AND God, Immanuel in the Temple, Jesus at 1:14 and confirmed unquestionably at John 14:10 by Jesus.

    The simple fact we don't see --> In the beginning was Jesus,..............says it all, over rover if one just used a little brain and switched OFF those powerful set Seeds.

    The latter point here, appears grossly underestimated.
    However, we should not be surprised as the Bible makes it very clear, you should be expecting it, but never the less, knowing it, doesn't stop you from shaking your head at times and thinking, what.png.

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