Moondoong, it almost pains me to say it, but you've nailed it...

  1. 9,483 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 522
    Moondoong, it almost pains me to say it, but you've nailed it with that post. nice work.

    each day that passes without some form of compulsory social distancing and exclusion means the pandemic will hit Australia doubly hard.

    add to that, the pressure on public health services that have been savaged by extremist right wing govts since 2013 including Morrison's will way exceed their ability to respond appropriately. what a mess.

    PM morrison made his priorities clear: his first act after the 2019 election was to cut income tax for the already wealthy.

    the savage LNP funding cuts to viral research and basic sciences at CSIRO underscores his myopia.

    i can only hope he brings on his Religious Freedom To Hate legislation for public debate soon as promised.

    how good will that be.
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