Scomo and Joyce whack Thunberg, page-396

  1. 15,701 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 102
    Guess what? Human beings are the apex predator. There is only one thing on the planet that will control our future existence - US. If we can't mitigate our impact on the environment then the environment will mitigate us.

    Agree or disagree who cares. It will not be you who is affected BUT it will be your prodigy.

    In a thousand years if you are not wealthy you will be dead. Ancestry and Heritage will be like the Dead Sea Scrolls. There will be no workforce; it will be robotics. Sure you will have an economy, trade, wealth and luxury but it will be in a bubble and the only nature you will be looking at is a vista of a past landscape on a plasma or LED screen.

    Can't you understand that vision and denial cannot co-exist. You cannot have both. One has to give for the other to succeed. So promote your status quo and your offspring will live in an iron lung, a bubble or beneath the sea because as sure as hell they will not survive on terra firma.

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