ScoMo comes out swinging against the Disunited Nations!

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    It is about time that we in the Western World held the unelected Disunited Nations to account. Good on ScoMo! Just hope that this is the start and other leaders come out swinging against this form of "globalism"!!

    "Prime Minister Scott Morrison has used an important foreign policy lecture to urge against a "new variant" of what he called "negative globalism".

    Key points:

    • Scott Morrison said "the world works best … when the character and distinctiveness of independent nations is preserved"
    • The PM criticised "an unaccountable internationalist bureaucracy", but did not mention any by name
    • He reiterated his belief that China should bear greater global trade responsibility in line with the size of its economy

    Mr Morrison gave the Lowy Lecture at Sydney's town hall on Thursday — he is the third prime minister to give the speech — and he largely centred his speech around Australia's approach to global challenges.

    A week after using an address to the United Nations (UN) to criticise "internal and global" critics of Australia's climate change policy, Mr Morrison appeared to take a veiled jab at the UN on Thursday evening.

    The Prime Minister said he did not want to see global organisations like the UN getting overly involved in the governance of independent nations.

    "The world works best, we believe, I believe, when the character and distinctiveness of independent nations is preserved within a framework of mutual respect," Mr Morrison said.

    "This includes respecting the electoral mandates of their constituencies."

    Last edited by Meteor: 04/10/19
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