so what is the difference between oil, gas and coal? enormous...

  1. 41,558 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    so what is the difference between oil, gas and coal?
    • enormous reduction in GHG emissions,
    • reduced space used,
    • much cheaper than fossil fuels,
    • with hydrogen and other means of storage, its can provide baseload electricity replacing LNG and other forms of methane,
    • less harmful to people, coal and gas contain a lot of carcinogens and dust that causes emphysema, other lung and cardiac disorders,
    • its an exportable fuel that will replace our lost revenue from decreased demand for fossil fuels in years to come.

    but using gas or even worse, coal, to make hydrogen will destroy many of these benefits.

    and if you don't want Chinese made solar panels and batteries, they could use Tindo panels (tier 1) and any combination of Australian made batteries.
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