Scomo, our current and next PM, page-11

  1. 83,654 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    oh, dear - can we stop with the 'deep state' crap -

    it's a fantasy term invented by idiotic Trump supporters -- the term was born in the USA --

    not here

    there is no such thing as deep state --------- we have the ways our political system works in Australia - there's nothing mysterious about it - there's problems with it - but, we invented it - we live with it and we have no ideas for anything better

    lets keep the Trump stupidity where it belongs ------------ across the other side of the Pacific.

    We have a new Prime Minister -- and, we all hope he will be good for us -

    he might - he might not

    what can we go by? --------------- results of what he has done 'so far' can be instructive -------

    but, even that is really not strongly indicative - because as Minister in the past - he was given roles to play by a leader -

    now - he IS the leader - and, that is a completely different kettle of fish.

    It's why I brought up looking at results - because if you look at what Morrison has done - then, most on here are in the rah rah brigade for him -

    but, if you actually look at what they bitch about currently - well - he's partially responsible --

    sure, one can argue that he stopped the boats ----------- but, if one bitches about our current immigrant problems - then, be well aware that Morrison was in charge of that gig -

    so, if you think it's crap - then, you HAVE to sheet some of the blame home to him

    nothing deep state going on there - just plain piss poor performance.

    I hold hope that Scott Morrison will be good - but, he might be a dismal failure as well

    we wait
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